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carácter personal y la ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio electrónico apply all the time.
Click on the following link to get more information on the Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

In no case is Human Project File a massive data for any other purpose than for statistics or for developing the Universal File. It never incorporates, modifies or supplements data. It is the users who do this responsibly and voluntarily. Neither it cedes, sells nor shares with third parties, the user's data for commercial purposes, marketing or advertising. Human File Project devises statistics of general character and service applications to users with the recorded information provided, as well as a searcher of registered members. In Human File Project the Law 15/1999 on Data Protection applies at all times.

The minimum age limit to register in Spain for Human File Project is 14 years old. Therefore, minors below the age limit cannot participate in Human File Project being the responsibility of the user or the Administrator to indicate a different date of birth that may lead to an error, exempting the Owner of the web of any liability derived from such action. .

Cada censado es responsable de sus propios datos. Every registrant is responsible for his own data. In the case of the Deceased and Historical Persons, the account Administrator who registered the person into Human File Project, is responsible for the data. The person who registers a deceased person automatically becomes the Administrator of that person and is responsible for the data provided and likewise for obtaining and securing the required family authorizations that in this case, are legally necessary. Any person, participant or not in Human File Project, can consult who is the Administrator of a Deceased or Historical Person in his HF Card and in his Human File. Human File Project neither furnishes, modifies nor complement the data provided; the users are the ones who are voluntarily responsible for them upon registration.

It is not obligatory to upload an image of a deceased person upon registration into Human File Project. However, the Administrator responsible of the registration can upload an image to the Project taking into account that he is responsible for that image and should have obtained and secured the required authorizations from the family which in this case is legally necessary, aside from the acceptance of the legal condicions on the photograph of that user.

In case you are affected by the information provided by another user in the Project, get in touch with Human File Project by email to user@humanfileproject.com. After examining the case, Human File Project will give you the answer in the shortest time possible.

HUMAN FILE PROJECT is a creation founded/developed in Madrid by “Ideas Caldocardo".