There are three types of users in HUMAN FILE PROJECT namely: Living Persons (▲),Deceased Persons (▼)
and Historical Persons (H). Each type of user is easily identified by a color code and the symbol that specifies each user.
It is one who is already dead and who is neither a historical person nor has relevance to such in any
way or circumstance; who belongs to Human File Project, and has been registered and is administered by another user who is
related to the deceased person in terms of family or friendship relations. Any living person can register as much deceased
persons as he wishes and convert himself as the Administrator of them. It is one way of collaborating in Human File Project.
The Administrator will be responsable for all the deceased persons he registers, who, by virtue of family relationship or
friendship, have obtained the necessary consent and authorization that in such cases are legally necessary.
You can easily identify this type of users in Human File project by their color (yellow) and by the symbol (▼) that is distinctive from the rest.
He is a dead historic person, or someone relevant for some reason or circurmstance, who belongs to Human File Project and has been
registered and is being managed by another user who is specifically authorized to be so, and who generally, has no relationship
with the historic person. Only people who are authorized by Human File Project can register these users and become Administrators
of the same, after having accredited the specific training corresponding to such effect. Such users are easily identified in Human
File Project by their color (Brown) and by the symbol (H) that is distinctive from the rest.
He is the person who registers and administers the data of a Deaceased Person or a Historical
Person in Human File Project, thus becoming at that moment, responsible for the provided information. In the case
of a Deaceased Person, he should have obtained and secured all necessary and legal authorization required. Any person,
member or not of Human File Project, may consult who is the Administrator of a Deaceased Person or Historical Person in his HF card and in his Human File.
Human File Project ha estructurado su web a través de seis Menús Principales de navegación:
- ‘Home’
- ‘Mi Human File’
- ‘Search’
- ‘Statistics’
- ‘Apps’
- ‘FAQ’
Each Principal Menu is in turn divided into different Sub-Menus to facilitate navigation through the website.
It is the identification number that Human File Project grants to each user and for which the
user is identified within the Project. It is composed of the date and time of registration along with a corresponding registry number
It is the basic element of identification of all people belonging to Human Project File where the minimal identification data is indicated.
It is the characteristic document that summarizes the essence of Human File Project.
The sum of all HF Cards conform to the image of Project and the web that supports it.
The HF Card will always be visible to all people who access the Human File Project’s web.
It is the personal identification document of Human File Project that is generated when a person registers and fills in all the obligatory details in order to register.
It is the identification card which accredits a person as part of Human File Project. The HF Identification will only be visible to its owner.
It is the compilation of all the details that you have provided on registration: the obligatory as well as the voluntary information.
TYour Human File is visible to the whole world.
It is an application of Human File Project available to its partipants where, depending on the contents of data provided in that moment of the Project,
it will generate an answer which all of us have asked at some point like how many people have the same name as mine?, or how many people were born
on the same day as mine? Only the own user has access to the content of his 'Interesting Answers'.
It is an application of Human File Project that allows its participants to save and store in an orderly manner,
the HF Cards of other users in order to facilitate the search of their data in the future.
Only the user has access to the contents of his 'Card Index'.
It is an application of Human File Project where the historic photos are stored that each user has integrated
into his Human File, allowing him to eliminate them whenever he likes. Only the user has access to the contents of his 'Photo File'.
It is an application of Human File Project where each user is able to visualise the actual state of his HF Identification in the Project.
The HF Identification will only be visible to the participant himself.